Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ok lah today.

Today I reached school at 6.40 so I slowly walk to class lol. When I reached class is 6.42pm lol. Guess who was before me today? Ok if you guess is Eugene and Jacob,then you are right. I left my bag and was enjoying myself in my class until my sister Adeline msg me that she had reached school then I went out of my classroom.Ah...she brought her Chinese Orchestra instrument so together we went to find Mdm Tan. Haha after we passed her,we went to canteen as Cindy wanted to buy drink.At there I met my senior(sec 4) and started chatting. When Cindy,Adeline and I wanted to leave that time, I met ...and I choose to walk a longer way. Recess I saw Mervin from our class alone then I asked him joined us for recess.He didn't eat at all and I got myself a bowl of Mee Soto and a cup of Milo.Haha. But when I went back class,teasing started and everyone started teasing.Haizzz why your so lame ar? Does that mean girl and boy talking with each other mean...relationship? Hua Zhen started off teasing me and ask if I had his number. So the fun part started. I shouted nearly across the classroom to Mervin saying Hua Zhen wanted his number. So Chuan Ning and Genevieve heard it and told me that Hua Zhen yesterday ask from them Mervin's number but they don't have... Haha no offence saying you ar Hua Zhen. :3 Ok lets continue lol almost the whole day Hua Zhen had been saying in chinese"seok yin eat vinegar".Aiya after all I still enjoy today lol... My temperature in the morning is 35.9 then 36.8 haha.Ah after return my er hu, I start to miss it. Can I have it back now?

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